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随着我国煤炭资源去产能整合煤矿的增多,复采工作面临空窄煤柱采动失稳问题日益凸显,已严重制约矿井安全高效生产。为此,针对辛安煤矿复采1402工作面辅运巷道5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性控制的工程难题,运用数值模拟与理论分析相结合的方法,探究5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性采掘扰动响应特征,提出5号钻场临空窄煤柱动态注浆加固技术方案并开展现场应用和效果检验。研究结果表明:1402工作面辅运巷道掘进对5号钻场临空窄煤柱稳定性影响较小;在1402工作面回采期间,距5号钻场18~6 m范围,临空窄煤柱集中垂直应力由非对称马鞍形分布逐渐过渡为拱形分布;距5号钻场6 m时,临空窄煤柱承载叠加垂直应力超过煤体强度,塑性区完全贯通,极易破坏失稳;现场采用MP364型注浆材料及专用注浆设备对5号钻场临空窄煤柱前后5 m区域进行加固,动态注浆始终超前工作面10 m,通过深孔窥视和气体监测手段验证临空窄煤柱良好的封堵固化效果,保障了工作面安全回采,为我国整合矿井类似条件下煤柱稳定性控制提供借鉴和参考。移动阅读   相似文献   
粤北诸广和贵东是华南最重要的两个花岗型铀矿密集区,青嶂山(龙源坝)岩体位于两者之间,是华南花岗岩型铀矿研究薄弱地区。江头铀矿区地处青嶂山岩体北部与南雄断陷盆地的结合部位,该矿区的铀成矿年代学研究几为空白。本文通过电子探针方法研究了青嶂山岩体、及与该岩体密切相关的江头矿区中的铀矿物微区矿物学特征,获得岩浆成因的晶质铀矿与热液成因的沥青铀矿的U-Th-Pb化学年龄,探讨了华南铀成矿作用动力学背景及成矿地质体。研究表明:青嶂山岩体粗粒斑状黑云母花岗岩和中粒斑状黑云母花岗岩中的铀矿物主要有晶质铀矿、铀石,部分晶质铀矿存在明显铀释放的特征,其晶质铀矿化学年龄分别为246.8±8.8Ma、161.5±8.0Ma,与前人获得的锆石U-Pb年龄结果在误差范围内一致,分别代表了区内印支期与燕山期花岗岩体的成岩年龄,表明在南雄断陷盆地形成之前,青嶂山岩体与诸广岩体可能为一有机整体,有着相同的成岩、成矿环境。江头矿区矿石中铀矿物主要为沥青铀矿,伴有少量钛铀矿、铀石等,沥青铀矿化学年龄分别为121.3±9.8Ma、98.8±8.0Ma、73.2±8.8Ma,分别代表区内3期铀成矿作用的时代,结合华南中生代以来构造运动特征,认为区内铀成矿作用是受中-新生代盆地边缘深大断陷活动、产铀花岗岩体分布的双要素成矿动力学背景制约,青嶂山岩体应与诸广、贵东岩体具有相似的找矿前景。  相似文献   
矿产资源开发导致了地下水失衡,地下水失衡又给矿产开发造成了极大的安全隐患,近年来,矿产资源开发与地下水环境保护之间的矛盾愈发凸显。通过对内蒙古鲁新井田典型的水文地质条件进行分析研究,分析采矿导致地下水失衡机理,深入剖析矿井开采充水条件及矿山开发对地下水环境的影响,合理提出了促进矿产开发与地下水保护相互协调的对策建议,为实现"采矿保水"协调统一提供了基础地质依据。为类似地区矿产开发过程中遵循自然规律,趋利避害,保障生产安全,保护地下水环境安全,实现资源绿色开发有较好的指导借鉴作用。  相似文献   
李军  褚宏亮  李滨  贺凯  高杨 《中国岩溶》2020,39(4):453-466
文章在分析采矿型崩滑灾害发育特征的基础上,得出西南煤系地层山区地下采动型崩滑灾害常发生在层状碳酸盐岩与碎屑岩地层组成的褶皱翼部和核部的陡崖带上,与地形地貌、地层结构与地下采矿工程活动等因素关系密切,并指出薄矿层开采诱发大型山体崩滑灾害的具体过程:①采空后覆岩顶板塌落—覆岩顶板离层,采空区上覆岩层内部及层间自下而上应力传递;②地下水运移通道形成,并加快更大范围岩体结构破坏及扩展,加速了岩体结构面的松动与破坏;③上覆岩层不均匀沉降导致坡脚压裂,山体大型岩体结构面逐渐拉剪或压剪变形扩展,最终山体发生累积损伤与大规模崩滑灾害。此外,传统经验公式的计算方法对此类采矿型崩滑灾害已不适用,建议开展西南煤系地层山区地质结构与地下采动诱发崩滑灾害的相互作用关系、薄矿层采空区上部山体累积断裂损伤—岩体松动、裂隙扩展-岩溶管道流、裂隙流变化的链式响应机制、地下采动型崩滑灾害评价方法等关键科学问题的研究,以推动采矿型地质灾害防灾减灾工作的发展。   相似文献   

Developing a general framework to capture the complexities associated with the non-linear and adaptive nature of farmers facing water resources scarcity is a challenging problem. This paper integrates agent-based modelling (ABM) and a data mining method to develop a hybrid socio-hydrological framework to provide future insights for policy-makers. The data associated with the farmers’ main characteristics were collected through field surveys and interviews. Afterwards, the association rule was employed to discover the main patterns representing the farmers’ agricultural decisions. The discovered patterns were then used as the behavioural rules in ABM to simulate the agricultural activities. The proposed framework has been was applied to explore the interactions between agricultural activities and the main river feeding the Urmia-Lake, Iran. The outcomes indicate that farmers’ acquisitive traits and belongings have significant impacts on their socio-hydrological interactions. The reported values of the efficiency criteria may support the satisfactory performance of the proposed framework.  相似文献   
Coffee berry necrosis is a fungal disease that, at a high level, significantly affects coffee productivity. With the advent of surface mapping satellites, it was possible to obtain information about the spectral signature of the crop on a time scale pertinent to the monitoring and detection of plant phenological changes. The objective of this paper was to define the best machine learning algorithm that is able to classify the incidence CBN as a function of Landsat 8 OLI images in different atmospheric correction methods. Landsat 8 OLI images were acquired at the dates closest to sampling anthracnose field data at three times corresponding to grain filling period and were submitted to atmospheric corrections by DOS, ATCOR, and 6SV methods. The images classified by the algorithms of machine learning, Random Forest, Multilayer Perceptron and Naive Bayes were tested 30 times in random sampling. Given the overall accuracy of each test, the algorithms were evaluated using the Friedman and Nemenyi tests to identify the statistical difference in the treatments. The obtained results indicated that the overall accuracy and the balanced accuracy index were on an average around 0.55 and 0.45, respectively, for the Naive Bayes and Multilayer Perceptron algorithms in the ATCOR atmospheric correction. According to the Friedman and Nemenyi tests, both algorithms were defined as the best classifiers. These results demonstrate that Landsat 8 OLI images were able to identify an incidence of the coffee berry necrosis by means of machine learning techniques, a fact that cannot be observed by the Pearson correlation.  相似文献   
典型草原露天煤矿区地下水-湖泊系统演化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于气候干旱、大量疏排地下水导致草原露天煤矿区普遍存在着水文循环失调、土壤沙化、草地退化等环境地质问题.本研究以呼伦贝尔草原伊敏露天煤矿为研究对象,在对矿区地下水湖泊系统调查分析的基础上,结合水文、气象及遥感影像等数据,应用水均衡原理构建矿区地下水位湖泊面积响应机制的数学模型,并利用此模型预测分析矿区开发对伊敏盆地内湖泊面积的影响.结果表明:煤矿开采35年来,伊敏盆地湖群数量由开采前(1982年)的5个变为如今(2017年)的2个,湖泊总面积由原来的6.94 km 2萎缩到1.12 km 2;矿区地下水湖泊关系由自然状态下的地下水补给湖泊型向湖泊补给地下水型演化;本文建立的地下水湖泊耦合数学模型可较好地对湖泊面积进行预测,在气候因素波动不大、矿山开发稳定的状况下,该矿闭矿时(2045年)研究区湖泊面积将萎缩至0.56 km^2.  相似文献   
A constitutive model that captures the material behavior under a wide range of loading conditions is essential for simulating complex boundary value problems. In recent years, some attempts have been made to develop constitutive models for finite element analysis using self‐learning simulation (SelfSim). Self‐learning simulation is an inverse analysis technique that extracts material behavior from some boundary measurements (eg, load and displacement). In the heart of the self‐learning framework is a neural network which is used to train and develop a constitutive model that represents the material behavior. It is generally known that neural networks suffer from a number of drawbacks. This paper utilizes evolutionary polynomial regression (EPR) in the framework of SelfSim within an automation process which is coded in Matlab environment. EPR is a hybrid data mining technique that uses a combination of a genetic algorithm and the least square method to search for mathematical equations to represent the behavior of a system. Two strategies of material modeling have been considered in the SelfSim‐based finite element analysis. These include a total stress‐strain strategy applied to analysis of a truss structure using synthetic measurement data and an incremental stress‐strain strategy applied to simulation of triaxial tests using experimental data. The results show that effective and accurate constitutive models can be developed from the proposed EPR‐based self‐learning finite element method. The EPR‐based self‐learning FEM can provide accurate predictions to engineering problems. The main advantages of using EPR over neural network are highlighted.  相似文献   
地下水动态受水文因素影响较大,对地震和构造活动具有较灵敏的响应。判别并排除各种水文干扰,确认地下水在地震前的异常变化,对提高地震分析预报能力,具有重要作用。马家沟矿井水位动态观测层与地下水开采层为同一含水层,井水位于2010年出现破年变异常,加速持续上升,截至2015年,最大上升幅度约30 m。依据该井水文地质环境特征,根据唐山市区2001-2015年地下水位、降雨量、地下水开采量实测资料,建立合理多元回归模型和三维地下水流动模型,发现地下水开采量减少应为影响马家沟矿井水位动态的可能因素。文中采取的异常识别与分析方法,可为其他类似井孔的地下水动态异常识别及判定提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   
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